Angell Deer

Jan 30, 20171 min

Death, the great Mystery...

Updated: Sep 1, 2019

Death. It is a great Mystery. In the West, we "hide" from death very often and are scared of it or don't know how to prepare for it. In the East or in Native traditions, Death is more often part of life, seen, understood, accepted. So as we face Death around us, or with our own aging, what meaning can we give to Death? What tools do we have to prepare or grieve? In this new podcast from The Sanctuary, with Laura Silverman, I explore some of those fascinating questions.

"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Chief Seattle

Laura Silverman is a writer, naturalist, and cook who lives in Sullivan County. Her blog, Glutton for Life, is about mindful living and truly shameless indulgence.

(Photo Credit: GluttonForLife)
