There is a very old Greek or Latin saying, which defines what a healer is. And that saying is "The Eye of an Eagle, the Heart of a Lion, the hand of a Woman". In the day of international celebration of women, I spent some time reflecting on what the feminine means to me. Going from God (that to me is a Her), to the womb of my mother who held and nurtured me for 9 months, to my traumatic birth, to all the women around me in my life, to my partner and finally to the Earth.
As I feel all of them in my Heart I can see a common thread of holding. Of love. Of receiving. Of listening. Of strength. Of softness. Of beauty. But one of the deepest feeling is the one of creation.
Creating not only life, but creating a new world, a new paradigm.
One where the feminine sit in its power next to the masculine. Where in togetherness we unite to reveal and empower the best about each other. Where the immense wisdom and strength of the feminine allow to forgive and heal the masculine. Where every man and women hold their mother and father in the sacredness of creation. Where we rise beyond race, sex, skin colors, sexual preferences, to meet each others as powerful individuals, powerful humans.
I want to sit with powerful women who can hold that sacred space. I want to sit with powerful men who can sit with me and listen to the wisdom of the feminine. I want those same men to never be ashamed or afraid of their masculinity, genitals or power, knowing that it is there to protect, uplift, honor and love the divine womb, the divine Earth.
As a man I get so humbled and empowered when such women speak from that space of love, humbleness, power, care, and compassion. When those women can show their infinite strength and power never with an agenda to arm or judge the masculine but to uplift it and heal it from 1000s of years of wounding. We need you powerful and healed sacred warrior women.
I bow to you today. I bow to your wisdom. Your strength. Your capacity to hold so much for the planet and for humanity. I deeply bow to you.
May I always find the words, steps, actions, and prayers to see, support, protect and uplift your divine power. ❤️
Art / visual : Ilanit Maghen