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My Call of Doodie

Updated: Sep 2, 2019

Doing Epic Shit During My Career Break

On June 13th, I left New York for a six month journey across India, Nepal, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia, and China, taking nothing except myself, an open mind, and a small backpack, all the while raising awareness and resources for an incredibly important cause – – who are on a mission to help the nearly 2.5 billion people who do not have access to a basic sanitation and hygiene.

A toilet is something most of us take for granted, but for countries like India, nearly half their population lives without one. For kids, this is deadly. Diarrhea, largely due to lack of access to toilets and hygiene, has killed more children under five then all deaths due to armed conflict since WWII! That's crazy. We can fix this! Let's help Toilet Hackers Do Epic Shit and take on the global toilet crisis! Funds we raise will fund Toilet Hackers' programs in the countries I visit – programs that will save lives, keep girls in school, and empower local entrepreneurs.

Have a look and follow AND SHARE my Tumblr EpicS**t journey at :

From The War on Poop is an ugly one. Nearly 40% of the world – 2.5 billion people – do not have access to sanitation and hygiene. In the time it has taken you to read this, a child has died because of poor sanitation, mostly due to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation, or insufficient hygiene. 90% of all deaths caused by diarrheal diseases are children under five years of age in developing countries. We’re here to change the scoop on poop. We believe that every child should live past their first birthday, every person should have clean water to drink, and that 100% of humanity should have access to improved sanitation and good hygiene. Clean water, improved sanitation, and hygiene are basic human rights—together we can make sure those rights are given to everyone. Toilet Hackers is a not-for-profit joint program of Giving Water, a 501(c)3 charity and Eirene, a for-purpose LLC, and is operated entirely by volunteers!

Read the "Give a Shit Manifesto"

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