An old story describes how souls sit on the world tree's branches before coming down to the physical Earth plane. From there, they watch humanity and Earth's life and start to see the pain and troubles of the world.
Eventually, they decide to pick on the issue that calls them and initiate their descent. As they descend from the tree into a new life, they come with the companionship of Spirit guides and allies.
This mission is critical to the Soul's presence in the world, and the world's healing is tightly connected to souls acting on their primordial mission.
From that perspective, there is no separation of intent and purpose between the world soul and the individual Soul. Yet, it is often poorly described as "we are one" (that is, Spirit speaking, not Soul), which does not fully encompass the importance and complexity of the soul's mission and can prevent its unique individualistic shape (and mission) from emerging.
Souls need to take some complex steps. First, they need to learn and understand the physical experience of being human. Then, their mission, while deeply embedded in their core, is never clearly outlined nor revealed in a clear step-by-step manual. Also, the world reality might distract the Soul and make it forget why it is there and the purpose of its presence on Earth.
In today's world, meaning and purpose are often disconnected from Soul calling. Where the celebrated achievements and "celebrities" of the world are not always connected to true healing and growth of humanity, the human being shrinks, living a life of materialistic achievement, pursuing consumption and entertainment, and often becoming entangled in constant separation and judgment coming from the lack of Spirit connection.
On the other hand, nurturing the Spirit connection without understanding and connecting to the Soul will create a life that might be called "spiritual" but lacks the depth of action and power of transformation gifted by the Soul. It will not be grounded in actions of true collective healing.
Traditional (ancient) and authentic spiritual paths always focus on soul work, going down deep into the roots, and understanding all the false layers of narrative and belief that have been placed into the mind psyche to remember the original calling.
You will often hear "remember" instead of "learn" in this work, as it assumes the known reality of the Soul, which indeed knows why it came here in the first place!
For many long, challenging years before my shamanic initiation, my Spirit loudly only answered any of my questions by "remember." It was loud, constant, often debilitating, and always present. Despite frequently being in the depths of deep healing and shedding, behind each layer, I only found the same instruction: "Remember!"
This ancient sacred architecture is present in every human being on the planet regardless of their identities, religions, beliefs, and actions. A life devoted to materialistic pursuits and/or disconnected from the well-being of all will often crush the Soul calling, leading to what is frequently called in the Western world a "mid-life crisis."
A crisis that started way before it was noticeable if we did not have the tools, elders, ceremonies, rituals, and skills to understand it.
Interestingly, my primary offering this year is "The Sacred Purpose Blueprint," a program designed after 15 years of study and deep exploration of the tools and methods for retrieving the soul calling. Guiding so many in that process has been deeply fulfilling for my Soul purpose. I also often witness the resistance to embark on such a process, the fear, the belief that somehow it will happen on its own, and how conditioning prevents us from doing this profound work.
As we witness world chaos, injustices, wars, and environmental destruction, we can feel the lack of Soul on a collective level. Still, it also increases the internal individual calling of all, pushing us towards deeper inner inquiries and shedding and ultimately aiming to get us into deep Soul work and true collective healing.
The great turning, the great collapse, often called the apocalypse by some, really means the deep composting and death of all that is not soul-aligned, Spirit-guided, and in service of the greater collective.
In many ways, seeing it from our first view into the world before our Soul descended, this chaos and struggles are what called us here in the first place.
It will keep calling us to wake up every day with excitement, often complexity and terror, to take the necessary steps to awaken this calling, act upon it, and become whole—whole with the Soul, whole with Spirit, whole with our lives and whole with all our relations.
Angell Deer