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Let your medicine come out!

Updated: Sep 1, 2019

5 years ago on this day, I was in Dharamsala in India, on the foothills of the Himalayas, on my way to a Vipassana silent meditation retreat.

As I was climbing the hilly small street of the town, this man, Altaf, stopped me in the street. He had this powerful strong energy I could immediately feel. He held me by my shoulders and told me straight into my eyes "you are a healer". For a minute I was disoriented and not sure of what was happening. I almost continue walking but he insisted. So I stopped and listened.

He told me he was a Sufi, a Sufi healer, and that he wanted to teach me. He invited me for a tea and I felt a deep trust and knowing in his presence.

I decided to cancel my retreat and stay with him. The day after he brought me to his consultation room, for the first "teaching". A client came in. And without any instructions, he told me to close my eyes, put my hands on the client, and to feel and follow my heart. That's when magic really happened. I gave my first hands-on energy healing session for one hour. Not "knowing" what to do but somehow guided by his love, prayers and something bigger than all of us, which was felt as a divine presence in the room.

I did not know at the time that this moment will change my life forever.

As I look back to that memory and feel into my journey, I can see more and more clearly how this path is all about remembering who we truly are. Before we were told who we had to be. I can feel it's about letting go of fears of knowing to allow the love to carry us to our destination. I can remember more and more every day that learning is through opening our hearts to what may seem impossible. I can more and more teach from that place, where I am just here to allow something much bigger than me flow through my voice.

His love and trust, allowed me to find my love and trust.

As I continue to peel those layers every day, opening my heart, opening my throat, I can feel a deeper empowering truth being revealed. A truth I always carried. A truth we all carry.


Trust your heart.

Trust your voice.

Trust your body and hands desires.

Trust your soul.

And do not let the fear of the Ego, the "I can't do it", "I don't know how to do it", "I am scared to do it" take control of your life as it is already controlling most of the world...

This medicine of your heart, of your soul, the medicine you carry is very much needed for this planet and world to heal.

Let it out!

Guillaume / Shawinigan Ungaia /

PS: Why don't you come to Peru with me to open this big Heart?

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