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As my teacher often reminds me "the ceremony start when the ceremony ends". Meaning every time we finish a sacred ceremony together, it is when the real ceremony start, what we call LIFE.

Prayers are not for ceremony only but are every word and thoughts we have, say, during our daily life. Every step we take is sacred. Every interaction with everyone is sacred. Every moment is an opportunity, a choice, to be in our hearts and honor the divine in us and in others.

Being spiritual is not measured by how many times you pray, how many crystals you own, how many spiritual technics you know, but by how much you love, how much you care, how much you dare.

When we step into our heart fully, letting the fears be witnessed without making them the witness, we step into sacred work. Into the expansion of our love for all there is inside of us, and around us.

May we always remember that being divine means being human. Feeling it all, being deeply vulnerable and being courageous to do the great work of Art our life needs to be. Healing deeply our soul by embracing the human experience. No bypassing, no hiding, no running away, no fighting, just being with the present and the feeling and experience that is there.

Meeting our-self in this body. Now. In this breath. In this reality. Free from anger, resentment, judgment, and control. Dropping deep in the surrendering.

If you feel hate or anger towards anyone, you are not in ceremony, you are not aligned with Spirit. If you judge others and feel separation with anyone. you are not in ceremony, you are not aligned with Spirit. If you can free your SELF from anger, judgement, resentment, control, fear, and separation, you can reunite with Spirit, with God, with your Life Ceremony.

It is in that place that we honor our life ceremony. That we let the sacred fire of our hearts burn the separations and pain. And it is in that place that we truly dance with our divine self. With our 2 feet on the ground. Rooted. Alive. . ❤️ . Shawinigan Ungaia The Sanctuary

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