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The Veil is thin...

Updated: Sep 1, 2019

The veil is thin. Samhain is here.

I can feel the shadows so close.

I can see them coming before and beyond the Light.

Am I ready to allow All to be seen? All to be revealed.

Am I ready to fully embrace my Light?

Which dark part of my soul am I worried about?

Knowing only Divine ocean I am a part of.

If I were to play tonight, I could hide or seek.

Life is but a game of hiding, seek, reveal, and shine!

Why shall I be afraid of Ghost or dead bodies, When I myself wore so many skins in so many lives.

You warned me when I wore that skin that I will forget.

Forget that I was, will be and am just pure Light.

You warned me when I wore that skin that I will forget.

Forget my Mission, my ancestors, and my Light.

I know You are here. Always. In the Dark and in the Light.

I know You are Love. And I know You are me.

Allow me to trust You tonight. When the veil is thin.

Allow me to see my ancestors and Guides more closely.

I know You want to Guide and Hold me. Always.

Yet why am I worried you might forget me.

You who always forgive me.

There are over a billion galaxies, trillion suns.

But You are always here for me.

You come in many forms, and in many colors.

A Stag, A Lightning, A voice, A messenger, A sound.

Samhain is here. I will trust You to guide me in the Darkest night.

Samhain is here. I will trust You to guide my wounded Heart.

I know You wanted this. All of this. So why should I worry anymore now that I have said Yes to the mission You gave me.

Tonight I remembered. Tonight I saw in the Dark. Tonight I am saying Yes again.

The veil is thin. Samhain is here.

Shawinigan Ungaia /

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