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Loving more than you ever could...

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Life is a process of becoming. Becoming You. The one below the masks, the fears, the stories, the broken parts of Western society, the cultural conditioning, the constant display of greed, and division.

And in that process, you learn to love not only who you are becoming but every "you" that you have been.

As you continue to dive into your medicine path, you are discovering forgotten "I".

"I" with deep trauma.

"I" who was abused.

"I" who was not loved.

"I" who was scared.

"I" who was in pain.

You are learning to allow those "I" to be felt and seen below the armors of protection that were built over them.

It is painful.

It is humbling.

It is healing.

You are learning to love all that you are seeing, even when the images flashing out of your body into your conscious mind sometimes resemble more to a terrifying movie.

In learning the tools to heal the deepest sexual traumas, the abandoned parts, the inner child, and the exiled soul parts, you are discovering on your knees why you always felt called to that work.

You feel God, the Creator, behind the incredible weaving of this tapestry that brought you here.

You discovered a Love that told you she does not need protection as she is the most powerful force in the universe.

In that sacred container.

In the church of your body.

In the most painful places of your being.

You gently weave and remember the old places where your light will shine brighter than you can even yet comprehend...

Where mystical animals and guides from beyond are gently holding the space.

Where ancestors have never stopped singing and dancing.

You love what you are starting to see.


Angell Deer

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